Urban Armor Gear


Since buying my first smart phone not that many years ago (I was a hold out) I have needed to buy phone cases. It is no secret I am a bargain shopper so not knowing any better, my first phones were adorned with $6-$7 dollar cases. I am super picky about colors and design so those early days were painful.

I eventually upgraded my phone to a galaxy S3 and I was back digging through Amazon for just the right cheap, but up to my standards case. Let me tell you here that my husband also got a matching phone and his sense of budget is not the same as mine. His case was already here before I even got through looking at mine. I loved his, it looked perfect with the phone and it was sturdy. It was a brand I was unfamiliar with, UAG. I had to get one too, in a different color of course.

Ok, the price was a bit outside what I would normally spend but I held my breath and ordered. It was perfect! That case took me through a few years of abuse, cases of the dropsies and a few snow dives. Before I knew it, it was time to upgrade.

Now after all of that you would think I would go straight for UAG wouldn’t you? Yeah, not quite what happened. The phone was super expensive (Galaxy S6 Edge +) so I wanted to spend the least amount of money I could get away with. Got the first case, and hated it immediately, the second case, I made last 2 weeks and hated every minute of it.

In desperation I went right to the UAG site and looked at what was available. There it was, in my favorite color: a Ruby red. The case was semi transparent allowing a little of the black phone to peek through. I bit the bullet and ordered it.

The phone was at my door in 3 days. I couldn’t unwrap it fast enough, and true to form, it fit perfectly and is rugged as Hell. I am done searching endlessly for the perfect phone case because I’ve come to know the only site I need to look at is the UAG site. They have cases for almost every phone I’d buy and they have never let me down. Lesson Learned!

https://urbanarmorgear.com/ #UAG #UrbanArmorGear


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