Into my favorite tool drawer it goes…

This is the Julienne Vegetable Peeler by RY that I received free in exchange for my honest review


It’s way more than a peeler though because it comes with 4 interchangeable heads to make several different types of cuts.


There is a julianne attachment, One for smaller cuts like for coleslaw, one for bigger slices which I plan to use to make broasted sweet potatoes and of course, the peeler head.


The blades are sharp, which I leaned the hard way (Always cut away from you) they are also easy to change with just a turn of the latch on the side. I tried this product and it went right into my favorite tool drawer. I’ll be using it regularly.

Check out my video below to see me using it!

The Facts

Company: RY Consumer Products

Price: $13.45 Free shipping with Prime

Link Me: Buy Here

New Help for Aging Eyelashes

I use the term “aging” carefully, for my own ego. I’m 49. Over the last 5 years or so I have had a tougher and tougher time making my lashes look full. I’ve tried all the tricks: Brushing back and forth with the side of the wand, using the tip with that bit of goop left on it, applying in layers etc. Each trick has worked at some time or other but its also less effective each time. You can’t make lashes where none exist. Or can you?


I began using UltraLASH Lash & Brow Serum 2 weeks ago after I received it free to review.


The product claims to “Thicken, Lengthen, Condition and darken lashes and brows”. The applicator brush was easy to use. It’s thin at the end so you don’t inadvertently use to much causing it to run into the eye. I did accidentally slip and touch my eye with the brush and was relieved that it did not burn or cause a reaction.

I did use the product on both my upper lashes (per the instructions) and my brows. I do like the way it felt on my eye bows, which are normally dry and this seemed to help that a bit.

Have you ever tried to take a picture of your own eyelid? Let me just say here that I got lucky on the before shot (Left) but the after (Right) took 15 tries and this is the best shot I got. It’s not as clear but hopefully you can see there is an appearance of more lashes. Im not sure if it is because the original lashes gained width or if new lashes actually grew in.  Both of these pictures are with no mascara whatsoever. It’s still early so I’m going to continue use for a few more weeks and take another photo but what I’ve seen so far gives me hope.

The Facts

The Company: New York Biology

The Price: $21.50 (Free shipping with Prime)

Link Me: Buy Here



New York Biology Retinol Moisturizer w Hyaluronic cream

This is New York Biology Retinol Moisturizer with Hyaluronic cream .

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I have a very oily t-zone so many facial creams leave my skin feeling greasy or after a few days, trigger a breakout. This problem is made worse by the fact that my cheeks, and under my eyes are very dry.

I applied this one just after washing my face while the skin was still damp. I find that creams absorb better this way.

Surprisingly, it didn’t feel greasy. I waited several hours and kept looking at my skin waiting for the inevitable slick. It never came.

Another really cool feature is the built in dispenser. A problem with many creams is that you can contaminate it by dipping your fingers in. With this container, your fingers never touch the main contents. In fact, even when the dispenser opens to release the cream, it is completely closed when you wipe your finger across.  It dispenses just enough with one pump to do your face and neck.

My skin felt softer, and tighter at the same time and that feeling lasted. I took a before photo and I plan to take an after photo in a few weeks to see the full benefits.  This is one I will buy again in the future.

The Facts

Company: New York Biology

Price: $18.95 (A Steal and Value) free shipping with Prime

Link Me: Buy Here

Rcvd free in exchange for my review.


Dear Walmart

First of all, I want to thank you for being creative and coming up with the original beauty box. What a fun idea, pay $5 for shipping and get a free pack of samples every 3 months.

For several cycles, I watched the Walmart Beauty Box un-boxing’s on Youtube before I decided to sign up. The process was simple. Your name and address, birthdate, and of course, payment info.

I anxiously awaited my first box. As the time drew near, I stalked Youtube so I could see what was in the box before I received it. That cycle, there was a full size lip crayon that I fell in love with. I couldn’t wait to get and try mine.

Then it came. I tore off the cellophane and pulled back the tissue and my heart sank. Inside was a tube of toothpaste, 2 small body lotion samples, and 3 anti aging cream one time use samples. where was the lipstick that I had waited so long for?

Turns out, in your infinite wisdom, you decided that women over 34 are wrinkled and no longer wear make up, or hair bands, or pretty much anything fun. You created two types of beauty boxes, one for under 34, the trend setters who like pretty lipstick and the newest perfume samples, and one for 34 and older, the “classics” who are apparently, just wrinkled and never leave the house.

Never the less, I waited for one more cycle. This time, I tried to find video’s of the classic box. I am pretty sure others are confused too though because what I received today, looked nothing like what others were calling the classic box.


Oh Goody, more lotion, albeit sandwiched between deodorant and hairspray. Nothing colorful or fun at all. I’ll be sure to throw them in the extra’s basket with the items you sent me last time.

I have recently heard you can now select which box you want after you cancel your existing order. There is no option to just change it. Ill need to wait until after this cycle ends because if I do it now, Ill get another box and be charged another $5.

To summarize Walmart, shame on you for the assumptions you make. I still enjoy pretty things in my golden 40ish years.