New Help for Aging Eyelashes

I use the term “aging” carefully, for my own ego. I’m 49. Over the last 5 years or so I have had a tougher and tougher time making my lashes look full. I’ve tried all the tricks: Brushing back and forth with the side of the wand, using the tip with that bit of goop left on it, applying in layers etc. Each trick has worked at some time or other but its also less effective each time. You can’t make lashes where none exist. Or can you?


I began using UltraLASH Lash & Brow Serum 2 weeks ago after I received it free to review.


The product claims to “Thicken, Lengthen, Condition and darken lashes and brows”. The applicator brush was easy to use. It’s thin at the end so you don’t inadvertently use to much causing it to run into the eye. I did accidentally slip and touch my eye with the brush and was relieved that it did not burn or cause a reaction.

I did use the product on both my upper lashes (per the instructions) and my brows. I do like the way it felt on my eye bows, which are normally dry and this seemed to help that a bit.

Have you ever tried to take a picture of your own eyelid? Let me just say here that I got lucky on the before shot (Left) but the after (Right) took 15 tries and this is the best shot I got. It’s not as clear but hopefully you can see there is an appearance of more lashes. Im not sure if it is because the original lashes gained width or if new lashes actually grew in.  Both of these pictures are with no mascara whatsoever. It’s still early so I’m going to continue use for a few more weeks and take another photo but what I’ve seen so far gives me hope.

The Facts

The Company: New York Biology

The Price: $21.50 (Free shipping with Prime)

Link Me: Buy Here



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