Into my favorite tool drawer it goes…

This is the Julienne Vegetable Peeler by RY that I received free in exchange for my honest review


It’s way more than a peeler though because it comes with 4 interchangeable heads to make several different types of cuts.


There is a julianne attachment, One for smaller cuts like for coleslaw, one for bigger slices which I plan to use to make broasted sweet potatoes and of course, the peeler head.


The blades are sharp, which I leaned the hard way (Always cut away from you) they are also easy to change with just a turn of the latch on the side. I tried this product and it went right into my favorite tool drawer. I’ll be using it regularly.

Check out my video below to see me using it!

The Facts

Company: RY Consumer Products

Price: $13.45 Free shipping with Prime

Link Me: Buy Here

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