
I just finished reading a new book “Granted” by Michelle Merrill that I was provided a free advanced copy of in exchange for my honest review.


The authors description:

About Granted

The existence of genies may be the best-kept secret in the history of the world.

After being trapped in the Sahara Desert for her whole life, sixteen-year-old genie Brielle finally gets her first assignment in Tri-Cities, Washington. She eagerly heads out into the human world to grant her first wish so that she can gain her magic. Unfortunately, her assigned human, Addie, stopped believing in wishes years ago and would much rather that everyone just leave her alone.

Complicating everything is Rock, Brielle’s childhood friend turned enemy. Brielle doesn’t need him ruining her first trip out into the human world. Too bad she can’t keep her mind—or her eyes—off him and his annoyingly cute dimples.

To make matters worse, genies in the Tri-Cities area are suspiciously dying. One broken lamp could be an accident, but after three deaths occur, Brielle suspects someone has uncovered the genies’ secret and is slowly killing them off one by one.

With the Genie Council ignoring the threat, Brielle desperately needs to gain her magic so she can stop the murderer before she—or Rock—is the next genie to die.

NOTE: Granted is an urban fantasy adventure & romance for young adults with genies, murder and mystery! It deals with teenage rites of passage and being a teen.”


The Charecters are believable and endearing. I could imagine and feel things from the charecters point of view. Anger and anxiety for Brielle and suspicion for Rock. It was an easy ready and I truly enjoyed the storyline,


I judge a book by how often I find myself talking back to it outloud and that happened several times during this story. The book is appropriate and entertaining for all ages but I think it would be especially appealing to teens and younger adults.

The Facts

Publisher: Future House

Price: Kindle Price $2.99

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