Farktop Women’s Swallowtail Dress

This is the Farktop Women’s Swallowtail Dress that I purchased for my 17 yr old daughter.

The image shows the dress in Large but it is available in small through extra large and the sizing is very accurate. the dress fit well and the shoulders stayed in place.

For a teenager or young adult, the dress can be worn with leggings. My daughter wore black leggings but I think it would be very cute paired with a bright pair as well.

This adorable and fun swing dress is also available in several fun colors.


The price is reasonable too with the one I bought priced at $13.98 with free prime shipping. All in all, both myself and my daughter were happy with this dress.


Company: Farktop

Price: $13.98 with free Prime shipping

Link me: Buy It Here


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